How air conditioners prevent excessive sweating?

Various parts of the world experience hot weather which is so extreme that it becomes difficult for the person to work. In hot weather, the temperature becomes very high and a person may feel dehydrated due to excessive heat. There are various ways in which we can beat the heat. Air conditioners have become quite popular in the countries which experience hot weather. The air conditioning system is the cooling system which helps to reduce the heat and humidity. It enhances the ability of an individual to perform various tasks. It is responsible for lowering the temperature of a particular area. It improves the concentration power of an individual on a particular work. Air conditioners are responsible for reducing dehydration and excessive sweating. It can be defined as the system which is enclosed in a case. In the machine, the warm air is replaced with the cooler air which is more humid and cool. It is also responsible for removing the pollutants from the air as it is responsible...